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Mifflin Township Board of Supervisors
Regular Monthly Meeting
Municipal Building
June 12, 2024
7:00 p.m.

Present were Supervisors, Chairman Ty Sheddy, Vice-Chairman Kevin Griffith, Roadmaster Howard Rainey; Secretary/Treasurer Renee’ Sheddy; EMC Denny Buttorff, Deputy EMC Jake Richards; Jeffrey Brooks/Brooks Engineering; Residents Carl Mitchell, Donna Berry, Michele Richards, Kelly Griffith, Robert and Sue Phillips, Keith Miller.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment on agenda items.

Kevin Griffith made the motion to accept the Minutes of the May 8 meeting, seconded by Howard Rainey. MCU.

Kevin Griffith made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the General Fund, State Road Fund, Fire Protection Fund, Act 13 Fund, and ARPA Fund. Howard Rainey seconded this motion. MCU.

Fire Company Update – No report received.

EMC Report – Denny Buttorff reported that all has been quiet. Potentially strong storms predicted for Friday.  

Roadmaster’s Report – Per Howard, he met with Greg Dibble/Municipal Services to look at retaining wall on Chestnut Grove Road. Resident has already started repairs. Sign replacement has been done by Jake Richards and John Paulhamus as well as cleaning out a pipe on Canoe Run Road. Weed eating has been done by John Paulhamus around township road signs on all roads. Watson Township will begin mowing Mifflin Township Road right of ways starting this week. Mower head has not yet reached the distributor.

Unfinished Business:

Daniel Stonerook Sewage Repair – No update.

Secretary contacted State Representative Hamm’s office to ask about grant funding opportunities for Musser Development residents. Response was that there is no funding applicable. Recommended to contact Lycoming County for financial assistance.

Recreation Board/Park- Copies of June 5 meeting minutes were provided for the Supervisors. Research still being done for pickleball court.

Jeff Brooks/Brooks Engineering Services. Gloria Fuller Property Sewage Maintenance Agreement and Sewage Module – Jeff Brooks provided the Board with preliminary design plan to be submitted to DEP and entertained Supervisors’ questions. Howard Rainey made the motion to adopt Resolution 6-2024 for plan revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan by means of a Sewage Facilities Planning Module for single residence sewage treatment facility with stream discharge, and to sign Sewage Maintenance Agreement. Ty Sheddy seconded this motion. MC. Kevin Griffith abstained.

Auditor Pay Raise Law Resolution 5-2024 – Ty Sheddy made the motion to pass Resolution 5-2024 raising auditor hourly pay to $18 per hour. Kevin Griffith seconded this motion. MCU.

JVB Book’s Bus Dates – The Book’s Bus will be parked in the Mifflin Park parking lot June 25; July 9 & 23; August 6 & 20 from 11:30 – 1:00. Book’s Bus has materials for ages birth to 18 years. 

New Business:

Jersey Shore Summer Recreation Donation Request- Kevin Griffith made the motion to donate $1,500 as was donated in 2023. Ty Sheddy seconded this motion. MCU.

Polling Place Agreement and ADA Construction Agreement – Ty Sheddy made the motion to sign this agreement with Lycoming County, seconded by Kevin Griffith. MCU.

Paving Dochter Road?- Salladasburg Borough is anticipating paving Dochter Street and asked if Mifflin Township would be interested in paving Dochter Road as well. After discussion and based on estimate provided by Greg Dibble, Ty Sheddy made the motion to set spending threshold of $14,000 or under but to also allow for future discussion. Kevin Griffith seconded this motion. MCU.

Tire Drive 2024 was successful with 399 tires collected! Thank you to Jake and John.

Public Comment Non-Agenda Items:

Keith Miller – Sweeping of roads. 
Donna Berry- Number of employees certified to flag and length of time certification is good for.

Ty Sheddy made the motion to pay bills, seconded by Kevin Griffith. MCU.

Ty Sheddy made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m., seconded by Kevin Griffith. MCU.

Respectfully submitted,

Renee’ Sheddy


Mifflin Township Board of Supervisors
Regular Monthly Meeting
Municipal Building
May 8, 2024
7:00 p.m.

Present were Supervisors, Chairman Ty Sheddy, Vice-Chairman Kevin Griffith, Roadmaster Howard Rainey; Secretary Treasurer Renee’ Sheddy; EMC Denny Buttorff. Deputy EMC Jake Richards; Residents Donna Berry, Sue Lazorka, Bob Phillips, Kelly Griffith.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment on agenda items.

Kevin Griffith made the motion to accept the Minutes of the April 10 and May 4 meetings, seconded by Ty Sheddy. MCU.

Kevin Griffith made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the General Fund, State Road Fund, Fire Protection Fund, Act 13 Fund and ARPA Fund. Howard Rainey seconded this motion. MCU.

Fire Company Update – No report provided.

EMC Report – Denny Buttorff provided the supervisors and secretary with a copy of the Emergency Management for Municipal Officials Handbook. He also informed Supervisors that PEMA and FEMA have begun scheduling Community Assistance Visits with municipalities to discuss participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. Purpose is to assess effectiveness of a community’s implementation of floodplain management and provide technical assistance.

Roadmaster’s Report – Per Howard, Spring Road Inspection was conducted May 4. Road crew has been given go ahead to begin installing new signs and take care of various tasks on and along roads that need taken care of.  

Unfinished Business:

Daniel Stonerook Sewage Repair – Mr. Stonerook responded to letter sent by the township by contacting Jami Nolan stating his intent to take care of broken pipe.

Recreation Board/Park – Upon recommendation by Recreation Board, Ty Sheddy made the motion to purchase and install landscape timbers to be placed around the swings and spring mates. Kevin Griffith seconded this motion. MCU.

Truck Purchase – Ty Sheddy questioned dimensions of aluminum box listed in Bradco quote. Kevin Griffith made the motion to purchase the 2024 Chevrolet 6500 4x4 Regular Cab Chassis only for quoted cost of $77,295.00 from Hondru Fleet (Costars Contract), and Bradco Upfit Package (Costars Contract) to include J&J Aluminum Dump Box for quoted cost of $62,512.46. Howard Rainey seconded this motion. MCU.

Reminder that Tire Drive is scheduled for Friday May 17th from 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Kevin Griffith will try to have’96 International inspected prior to event so truck can be used if needed.

There was no action taken on Gloria Fuller small flow sewage maintenance plant agreement or sewage module as an additional DEP requirement needs to be met since Larry’s Creek is an extreme quality waterway. This will be a June 12 agenda item.

Driveway Permit Mary-Louise Paucke – Supervisors reviewed site at 1206 Chestnut Grove Road on May 4 during road inspection. Ty Sheddy made the motion to approve this permit, seconded by Kevin Griffith. MCU.

HB 1632 Workers’ Compensation Coverage for First Responders – Supervisors agreed to send correspondence to state representative Joe Hamm asking him to oppose bill as is currently written. Passage of bill as currently written would cause financial burden for municipalities.

New Business:

Retaining Wall Safety Issue 1374 Chestnut Grove Road – Kevin Griffith made the motion to send letter to the resident addressing this concern, seconded by Howard Rainey. MCU. Secretary will contact PennDOT municipal representative Greg Dibble to set up meeting between he and Howard to look at problem and ask for his advisement for best solution. This information can then be provided in the letter to the resident.

Auditor Pay Raise Law – Supervisors were informed that Governor Shapiro signed the auditor pay raise law increasing hourly wage from $10 per hour up to $18 per hour. Pennsylvania Constitution prohibits an elected official from receiving an increase in compensation during current term of office. No action taken.

Public Comment Non-Agenda Items

Donna Berry addressed Howard with concern about leaves in ditch and around catch basins on section of Canoe Run Road.
She also invited meeting attendees to help themselves to leftover produce from local food distribution.

Wayne Township Landfill will host annual free Household Waste Collection Event July 20, 2024
Ty Sheddy made the motion to pay the bills, seconded by Kevin Griffith. MCU.

Ty Sheddy made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m., seconded by Kevin Griffith. MCU.  

Respectfully submitted,

Renee’ Sheddy


Mifflin Township Board of Supervisors
Spring Road Inspection/Special Meeting
Municipal Building
May 4, 2024
Road Inspection 8:00 a.m.

Present were Supervisors, Chairman, Ty Sheddy, Vice-Chairman Kevin Griffith, Roadmaster Howard Rainey; Secretary/Treasurer Renee’ Sheddy; Deputy EMC Jake Richards; Resident Donna Berry.

The business meeting convened at 11:16 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment on agenda items.

Unfinished Business:

Musser Development System Repair – By suggestion made by alternate SEO Jami Nolan, secretary will contact State Representative Joe Hamm’s office to inquire about financial assistance for repair of the Musser Development Sewage System. Jami Nolan will first be contacted to provide summary of his assessment of the system to provide to Representative Hamm.

Gloria Fuller/Sewage Agreement, Escrow Amount – Ty Sheddy made the motion to set $2,000 as escrow amount required from the property owner for system repair, replacement or maintenance. Howard Rainey seconded this motion. MCU.

New Business:

James V. Brown Library, Request – Ty Sheddy made the motion to allow the Book’s Bus to be parked at the Municipal Building every other week for 1.5 hours during summer months. Kevin Griffith seconded this motion. MCU.

Rent of Tractor and Mower – Bradco provided a quote of $3,000 per week for rent of tractor and mower, $9,000 per month, with one time freight fee of $500. Supervisor Kevin Griffith asked that secretary contact Watson Twp to ask what they would charge Mifflin for rent of tractor/mower with operator. New mower head is on order with C.H. Waltz; however delayed delivery could constitute need for back up mower. Secretary will contact C.H. Waltz for update as well.

Driveway Permit Application Mary-Louise Paucke – Supervisors reviewed site located at 1206 Chestnut Grove Road, during road inspection. Issuance of permit will be a May 8 agenda item.

HB 1632/Workers Compensation First Responders – Supervisors were provided with a letter sent from PSATS to Members of the Pennsylvania House stating concerns with this Bill and consequences it would have on municipalities.

Weed Eater Purchase – After discussion and recommendation by Donna Berry, the motion was made by Ty Sheddy to allow John Paulhamus to purchase for the township a weed eater with string trimmer head with a limit of $900. A Stihl KombiSystem (model KM131), straight shaft with trimmer head was recommended but John can use his discretion for model that will best meet the needs of the township. Kevin Griffith seconded this motion. MCU. Howard Rainey offered to contact John and go with him when purchase is made.

Secretary conveyed to supervisors that an on-lot sewage system permit was denied for Joel Hart for 3.1 acre lot Walnut Lane. Also, that Lycoming County has contracted with Anthony Visco, Jr. Architects to assess ADA accessibility standards for polling places. Upgrades to bring building into compliance will be paid for by Lycoming County.  

Ty Sheddy made the motion to purchase three copies of PSATS publication Beyond the Code @ $50 per copy. Howard Rainey seconded this motion. MCU.

Public Comment Non-Agenda Items - Donna Berry, sweeping of township roads.

Ty Sheddy made the motion to pay bills, seconded by Howard Rainey. MCU.

Ty Sheddy made the motion to adjourn at 11:50 a.m., seconded by Howard Rainey. MCU.

Respectfully submitted,

Renee’ Sheddy
