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Mifflin Township Board of Supervisors
Regular Monthly Meeting
Municipal Building
August 14, 2024
7:00 p.m.

Present were Supervisors, Chairman Ty Sheddy, Vice-Chairman Kevin Griffith, Roadmaster Howard Rainey; Secretary/Treasurer Renee’ Sheddy; Deputy EMC Jake Richards; Residents Donna Berry, Michele Richards, John Probst, Sue and Bob Phillips, Kimberly Fausey, Carl Mitchell.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment Agenda and Non- Agenda Items:

Kimberly Fausey asked for information on how to get help for property owners affected by August 9 flooding from Debby. Information was provided by Deputy EMC and Secretary. Jake encouraged residents to contact Representative Joe Hamm’s office with concerns relating to severe erosion along Second Fork of Larry’s Creek.

Kevin Griffith made the motion to accept the Minutes of the July 10, 2024 meeting, seconded by Howard Rainey. MCU.

Kevin Griffith made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the General Fund, State Road Fund, Fire Protection Fund, Act 13 Fund and ARPA Fund. Howard Rainey seconded this motion. MCU.

Fire Company Update – A cumulative report from Jan 1 – July 31 was provided for the Supervisors by Chief Goodbrod. A key to the township garage was given to Chief Ethan Goodbrod as engine 45 is being housed here after being displaced by August 9 flooding of Station 5-45.

EMC Report – Deputy EMC Jake Richards reported that damage assessments from August 9 storm (Debby) are ongoing.  

Roadmaster’s Report – Kevin Griffith stated that he checked roads after the storm and all seem to be in good condition. Howard Rainey thanked Jake Richards and John Paulhamus for good job pre and post storm. Backhoe is being scheduled for routine maintenance. Brakes on International need to be adjusted. Fuel tank on Ford needs to be replaced. Secretary was asked to check with Bradco for update on upfitting of new truck.

Unfinished Business:

Daniel Stonerook Sewage Repair – By motion made at July meeting, Kremsers’ were contacted. Repair scheduled for September.

Musser Development Sewage Repair – Engineer Jeff Brooks along with SEO Terry Meyers visited site on July 22 and a summary letter was provided for the Supervisors. Jeff Brooks will be meeting with the Supervisors to provide further information.

Recreation Board/Park – Minutes of the August 7 meeting were provided for the Supervisors. Site has been prepared for the prospective pickleball court. Ty Sheddy made the motion to obtain bids for the subbase, binder and top course to be placed. Kevin Griffith seconded the motion. MCU.  

Gloria Fuller Project – No update.

Bid Results Dochter Road/ Invoicing Dochter Street Mowing – Ty and Renee’ Sheddy attended the July 23 Salladasburg Borough Council meeting at which time sealed bids were opened. Bid was awarded to Charles Construction. Cost for Mifflin’s portion, Dochter Road, is $11,019.
Ty Sheddy made the motion not to invoice the Borough for mowing Dochter Street to contribute to advertising cost incurred by the Borough for paving advertisement. ($261.80) Kevin Griffith seconded this motion. MCU.  

New Business:

Ty Sheddy made the motion to reinstate Vince Walk Jr. to the road employees list. Kevin Griffith seconded this motion. MCU.  

A dumpster has been placed adjacent to the township building for residents, who have been affected by flooding, to put debris.

Public Comment:

Donna Berry asked how dumpster is being paid for and if township is taking care of Stonerook repair.

Secretary relayed email from Austin Daily, Lycoming County Transportation Planner, asking if any municipally owned bridges are in need of an emergency inspection. Supervisors agreed that bridges be inspected after water levels are back to normal for assurance that structures are ok.

PennDOT Municipal Services Representative Greg Dibble also sent email asking for any information on road damage to municipal roads from Debby.  

Kevin Griffith made the motion to pay bills, seconded by Ty Sheddy. MCU.

Ty Sheddy made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m., seconded by Howard Rainey. MCU.

Respectfully submitted,

Renee’ Sheddy


Mifflin Township Board of Supervisors
Regular Monthly Meeting
Municipal Building
July 10, 2024
7:00 p.m.

Present were Supervisors, Chairman Ty Sheddy, Vice-Chairman Kevin Griffith, Roadmaster Howard Rainey; Secretary/Treasurer Renee’ Sheddy; EMC Denny Buttorff, Deputy EMC Jake Richards; Allen Green and Rick Macklem, Watson Township; Residents Donna Berry, Michele Richards.  

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment on agenda items.

Kevin Griffith made the motion to accept the Minutes of the June 12 meeting, seconded by Howard Rainey. MCU.

Kevin Griffith made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the General Fund, State Road Fund, Fire Protection Fund, Act 13 Fund and ARPA Fund. Howard Rainey seconded this motion. MCU.

Fire Company Update – No report received.

EMC Report – Per Denny Buttorff still possibility of storm tonight. More severe storms to the north.

Roadmaster’s Report – Howard reported that signs have been installed on various roads and potholes filled on Cline Road. He gave Allen Green the floor to report on mowing. Per Allen, mowing two passes on all township roads has been completed. Metered hours totaled 98.4. Mifflin Township Supervisors thanked Allen and Rick for being willing to mow for us.

Unfinished Business:

Daniel Stonerook Sewage Repair – SEO Jami Nolan has not heard from Mr. Stonerook. Ty Sheddy made the following motion: “If Stonerook doesn’t have his sewage delivery line fixed by July 20 when septic permit expires, that the township obtain a permit and have Kremser or other available contractor make the repair at Stonerook’s expense to include collections expense and that we have Lycoming County Water and Sewer take care of the collections process.” Howard Rainey seconded this motion. Kevin Griffith abstained. MC.

Recreation Board/Park – Board did not meet in July.

Gloria Fuller Property Sewage Planning Update – Sewage planning module was accepted by DEP. Application is now being done for NPDES Permit and Water Quality Management permit.  

New Business:

Resolution 7-2024 Amendment to Act 13 Budget – Ty Sheddy made the motion to adopt this resolution to amend the Act 13 Budget as $83,618.89 was received by Mifflin Township. Kevin Griffith seconded this motion. MCU. Monies will be budgeted for equipment.

Tioga-Bradford Equipment Show August 22nd 9:00 -1:00

PSATS Regional Forum September 19 in Williamsport.

There was no public comment on non-agenda items.

Ty Sheddy made the motion to pay the bills, seconded by Kevin Griffith. MCU.

Ty Sheddy made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 a.m., seconded by Kevin Griffith. MCU.

Respectfully submitted,

Renee’ Sheddy
